Power Flow Cable - Connection PF 10 OR.2

Power flow PF 10 OR.2 by Connection with SOFT TOUCH™ jacket to enhance the feel and flexibility. *Price per meter
Manufacturer: CONNECTION
2.70 €
2.39 €
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Power flow PF 10 OR.2 by Connection with SOFT TOUCH™ jacket to enhance the feel and flexibility. Orange and black matt solid finish jacket for enhanced cosmetics.Resistant jacket against abrasion, heat and chemicals. Seven strand multiple twist construction, for high efficiency current transfer and to reduce voltage losses. X2 Flexibility for “COMPETITION” installations.

Power flow PF 10 OR.2 by Connection with SOFT TOUCH™ jacket to enhance the feel and flexibility. Orange and black matt solid finish jacket for enhanced cosmetics.Resistant jacket against abrasion, heat and chemicals. Seven strand multiple twist construction, for high efficiency current transfer and to reduce voltage losses. X2 Flexibility for “COMPETITION” installations.

Products specifications
Type Mainpower Cable
Main Features Διατομή καλωδίου: 4,27 mm²
Ρολό 125 μέτρων
Πάχος καλωδίου: εσωτερικό ( 3.0 mm), εξωτερικό (6 mm)